DSMB Training Manual for Investigator Initiated Studies


The CTSA Collaborative Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) Workgroup identified a need to provide guidance, training and resources in DSMB practices for investigator-initiated research studies. To promote clinical and translational research, the CTSA Collaborative DSMB Workgroup, supported by NCATS, has produced an online DSMB Training Manual with a focus on investigator-initiated studies. This manual provides information and training for Principal Investigators, DSMB members, IRB members, biostatisticians, and research staff on how to work effectively with DSMBs.

DSMB Manual

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Copyright and Citation


This manual is the work of the CTSA Collaborative DSMB Workgroup. This is a collaborative project by members of nine CTSAs who are experts in data and safety monitoring of research studies:

Additional Resources + Useful Links

NIH Policies and Guidance for Data and Safety Monitoring of Clinical Trials

Selected Reference List (PDF)