Training and Assessment Digital Network

The Development, Implementation and Assessment of Novel Training in Domain-based Competencies, or “DIAMOND” project, is a collaborative effort by the University of Michigan, University of Rochester, The Ohio State University and Tufts University to provide competency-based education and training to clinical research professionals.  The result is the DIAMOND portal - an online educational portal for shared competency-based educational offerings and assessments, demonstrate the utility of an e-portfolio system for individualized professional development planning, and to disseminate these educational offerings to broader audiences at research institutions across the United States.



This national portal was created by the Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR), Tufts CTSI, The Ohio State University, and the University of Rochester as part of the NIH U01 Collaborative Innovation Award. The portal was created to address the need for consistent training, assessment, and measures of competency among clinical research professionals.

The DIAMOND platform serves as a platform for bi-directional sharing of Tufts CTSI Professional Education’s I LEARN resources to the national CTSA (Clinical and Transitional Science Awards) Consortium and of bringing extended learning opportunities back to clinical research professionals at our Tufts CTSI partners.

Who is eligible?

All clinical and translational research teams, including investigators and study coordinators are eligible to share or access training or assessment offerings on the portal. Institutions interested in featuring their clinical research training offerings on the DIAMOND portal can nominate a point of institutional contact who can submit and edit your training offerings and assessments to benefit the CTSA community and research professional workforce.

Available Resources

  • Training catalog of training or assessment offerings created by Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) programs and other professional organizations. The information about available trainings are organized in eight competency domains, making it easy for learners to search for research training and assessment materials. See further instructions on how to contribute institutional training resources to this portal.

  • e-Portfolio system where you can upload evidence of your professional development activities and demonstrate your clinical research skills in each of the core competency domains. The portal allows you to showcase examples of your research capacity to others and helps you plan for your career development.

  • Link to portal