CCRM-CRC Nursing

CRC nursing services assist researchers and provide excellent care to research participants

CRC nurses are an integral part of successful implementation of research protocols and are experienced in caring for patients from diverse medical services, such as cardiology, endocrinology, oncology, immunology, infectious disease, neurology, nephrology and psychiatry. The CRC delivers excellent care to all participants and ensures research visits are as comfortable and safe as possible.

CRC nurses can assist with:

  • Body measurements such as height, weight or waist/hip measurements
  • Collecting frequent times blood samples via an indwelling intravenous (IV) catheter
  • Cardiac monitoring via EKG testing or continuous telemetry monitoring
  • Medication administration and monitoring for side effects
  • Simple blood draws
  • Teaching related to study activities, medication, side effects or home specimen collection
  • Point of care testing including blood sugar, HGBA1C and pregnancy testing
  • Vital sign monitoring (temperature, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and oxygen levels)
  • Invasive testing and procedures with or without conscious sedation

Learn more:
Holly Bookless, BSN, RN, NE-BC
Nurse Manager, Clinical Research Center