Grant Writing Resources

Access Facilities and Resources Offered

The NIH has a Grants Process overview section on is website with an overview presentation and detailed guidance on writing NIH grants, as well as explanations of the review process.

NIH Grants Process

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has a website with examples of successful grant applications—including R and K grants, among others.

NIAID Applications

The NIAID website also has step-by-step guidance on writing NIH grants, with helpful hints and links to examples:  NIAID Grant Guidance

The University of California, San Francisco, has a training program on writing a K grant. The webpage has presentations on the various components of K grants and sample grant applications. Follow the link below and scroll down to access the training materials and examples.

University of California, San Francisco K Grant Training

CCTS resources include an excellent overview of writing K and R grants by Dr. Mark Hall of Nationwide Children’s Hospital, and a discussion by experienced members of NIH study sections about how study sections work and common mistakes made by applicants in their grants.

These can be found at the link below. In the video window, look at the upper right corner and click on the three bars to access the playlist:

CCTS K and R Resources

The CCTS also offers two, annual, semester-long grant writing workshops for six to eight attendees.

Launch to K provides a structured program for writing a K grant.

Launch to Success provides a structured program for researchers with K grants to write an RO1 grant

The Ohio State University Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) provides information and resources about the grant submission process at Ohio State. 

Please follow this link to find your College Program Officer and talk to that person as you begin to think about writing a grant. Your SPO can tell you about the process you need to follow to write and submit your grant.

The College of Medicine Office of Research webpage on research resources has information that will be helpful in writing your proposal.

Find funding to support your research using the SPIN Funding Opportunities Database