
ResearchMatch helps researchers and potential study volunteers connect

Ohio State encourages anyone interested in volunteering for research studies to register with ResearchMatch, a secure, easy-to-use volunteer registry funded by the National Institutes of Health. Researchers from approved academic institutions like Ohio State can use ResearchMatch to find volunteers who are a correct fit for their work. Your name and personal information are not released to any researcher until you indicate that you would like to know more about his or her study.

People of all ages and health conditions, including healthy people, are welcome. Volunteers under the age of 19 must be registered by a parent or guardian. Thank a research volunteer if you know one, and consider the opportunity of becoming one yourself by registering today.

ResearchMatch is also available in Spanish! Volunteers can now sign-up in Spanish and receive messages from ResearchMatch about studies in Spanish.

ResearchMatch es una plataforma en línea gratis, segura creada por instituciones académicas de todo el país que desean incluirlo en su misión de ayudar a que los estudios mejoren la salud en el futuro.