CCTS Staff Sessions

Meet Kristen Heitman!

Q: What is your role at CCTS? 

A: My role at the CCTS is to promote visibility of the first Strategic Plan for NIH Nutrition Research  and support investigators who are incorporating nutrition into clinical trials through CCRM-CRC Nutritional Research

Q: How do you think the CCTS is impacting medicine?

A: The CCTS is impacting medicine by upholding high standards in research and supporting innovative ideas.

Q: What is one thing you want everyone to know about the CCTS?

A: There are countless resources available to you! 

Q: What is your favorite thing about the CCTS?

A: The people!

Q: What do you do in your pass-time?

A: I’m working on my doctoral degree in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at OSU, and I teach a nutrition course at Columbus State Community College. 

Q: What was your dream job when you were a kid?

A: I wanted to be a teacher!

Q: What's your typical day like?

A: I typically wake up around 4:30am to enjoy a cup of coffee and some quiet time. From there, I go to the gym and head straight to work. My evenings are filled with activities like teaching, walking at the park, or going to a gymnastics class.

Q: If you could have a meal with 3 famous people (dead or alive), who would they be and why?

A: Martin Luther King Jr., Brené Brown and Jesus. These leaders have shaped my worldview, helped me to define my values, and have impacted the way I choose to live my life. 

Q: What is your proudest moment?

A: My proudest moment was graduating with my Bachelor of Science degree from Michigan State University, where both of my parents also graduated.

Q: Favorite band/song?

A: Jolene by Dolly Parton