Launch to K Grant Writing Workshop Deadline


Monday, Apr 3, 2023
12:00 am - 12:00 am
@ Online

The goal of this program is to assist promising biomedical scientists launch their academic career by writing a K series NIH career development award proposal. The individual components of a K series career development award (or comparable foundation grant) are discussed in a step-by-step, detailed process over the 12 semi-weekly, two to two-and-a-half-hour meetings. The heart of the workshop will be peer-to-peer reviews of biweekly writing assignments of grant components: candidate, mentorship plan, career development training plan, the approach and scientific environment and institutional support. Experienced NIH-funded investigators will assist in guiding the group and illustrating the various component and of a K award from a grant reviewer's point of view, with assistance from recent successful K awardees.

Launch to K will meet every two weeks on Tuesdays from 2 to 4:30 p.m. from approximately May 9 to September 26, 2023. Participants are expected to attend at least 80% of the sessions.