Pilot and Academy of Community Reviewers Program Highlight


To support early-stage research at The Ohio State University and our pediatric partner Nationwide Children’s Hospital, the CCTS released three pilot award programs in 2022. Grant program themes included Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Social Determinants of Health, and Community Engagement-Integrating Special Populations. Ten projects were awarded funds from $20,000-$50,000. 

Of the 10 pilots, six are still ongoing. Thus far pilots have generated one publication, two posters, and one presentation.

AIML Awardee: Xueru Zhang

Project title: Fair Machine Learning Adaptable to Deployment Environments in Healthcare   

Publication: The product of this project is a research publication (URL: https://openreview.net/forum?id=jBEXnEMdNOL) at International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), a top conference in machine learning. The following is the full reference:

Pham, T. H., Zhang, X., & Zhang, P. Fairness and Accuracy under Domain Generalization. In The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2023.

The code of the proposed algorithm is publicly available on GitHub (https://github.com/pth1993/FATDM).

Academy of Community Reviewers (ACR)

The ACR was awarded $3800.00 to support community involvement in the development of the new ACR course. The new ACR course will be expanding it’s curriculum and moving to an online platform. In June 2023, alumni of the course were surveyed on their experience with the program, engagement interests and internet/computer competencies. Course development is underway and is anticipated to be complete in August 2023.