New CCRM-CRC Analytical and Development Laboratory Intake Form

The CCRM-CRC A&D Lab provides the following services for investigators:

  • Sample analysis - multiple types of human, mouse, rat, canine and other animal samples
  • Ultrasensitive measurement of many analytes - secreted and intracellular biomarkers including proinflammatory, cytokines, chemokines, angiogenesis, vascular injury and more
  • Analytical methodologies - chemiluminscence, electrochemiluminescence, enzymatic immunoassays, chemical analysis and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) isolation
  • Protocol development and support - personalized to specific needs
  • 24/7 monitored freezer storage
  •  New assay development

For more information about the A&D lab or other CCRM-Clinical Research Center services, please visit their website

Access the A & D Lab Request