CCTS Staff Sessions

Meet Brooke Crockett!

Q: What is your role at CCTS?

A: I am the Marketing & Communications Coordinator. I do all external communications, run our social media accounts, keep the website updated, and I do Facebook Advertising for our researchers.

Q: How do you think the CCTS is impacting medicine?

A: Between funding and recruitment, I believe the CCTS is helping shape the future of medicine.

Q: What is one thing you want everyone to know about the CCTS?

A: Everyone here is willing to help you with what you need. If we can't do it, we will find someone who can!

Q: What is your favorite thing about the CCTS?

A: The people. I enjoy everyone I directly work with and I consider all of them good friends.

Q: What do you do in your pass-time?

A: Catch me binge-watching any show that is totally completed. I refuse to watch shows that are still filming because I binge them so hard and then I hate having to wait for the next season. I recently finished "New Girl" and "The Big Bang Theory." I'm currently working through "The Nanny" and "Modern Family."

Q: What was your dream job when you were a kid?

A: I wanted to be a vet or a professional soccer player. I clearly went a different direction.

Q: What's your typical day like?

A: I need coffee to start my day. Once I drink that, if I don't have work or homework (I'm currently getting my MPH), I'm binge-watching TV or playing video games with my fiancee. If I do have work, I'll tap away all day and listen to my favorite podcasts.

Q: If you could have a meal with 3 famous people (dead or alive), who would they be and why?

A: This is hard for me...My first one would be Alexander Hamilton. I'm a huge "Hamilton" fan and I would want to ask him what he thinks about the musical. My second one would be Lin-Manuel Miranda for the aforementioned reason. If he doesn't win his EGOT for "Encanto" this award season, the system is rigged! The third one would be my Step-Grandfather, Hans. He passed long before I was born, but he sounds like an amazing person and I've always wanted to meet him.

Q: What is your proudest moment?

A: Getting into my MPH program at Ohio State. I didn't get into Ohio State for undergrad and that always kept me down. I wasn't sure if I was going to get into the MPH program here, but I did it and it felt very "full circle" for me.

Q: Favorite band/song?

A: My favorite band is Imagine Dragons. But, I'm also a huge fan of Panic! At the Disco, Green Day, Arcade Fire, Fall Out Boy, AJR, The Killers, Muse, and Coldplay. Liking so many different bands, I can't give you a favorite song.