CCTS Staff Sessions

Meet Beverly Stringer!

Q: What is your role at CCTS?

A: I am the Community Engagement Coordinator for southeast Ohio.

Q: How do you think the CCTS is impacting medicine?

A: CCTS is impacting medicine by helping expand research studies into southeast Ohio to help with the health disparities that are prevalent in Appalachia.

Q: What is the one thing you want everyone to know about the CCTS?

A: The CCTS helps researchers to do studies in southeast Ohio and helps facilitate conversations between stakeholders and researchers regarding the needs of southeast Ohio.

Q: What is your favorite thing about the CCTS?

A: The collaboration that takes place between the staff, other departments at OSU/NCH and community members.

Q: What do you do in your pass-time?

A: I love spending time with my family, cooking and DIY projects.

Q: What was your dream job when you were a kid?

A: I wanted to be a wildlife specialist.  I have settled on being a Mom to our 4-legged family members.

Q: What’s your typical day like?

A: As soon as my feet hit the floor I take care of our dog, Max, a 14 year old Jack Russel.  Next in line are our 5 cats who have all adopted us.  After getting myself ready and my 6 year old granddaughter (who lives with me) ready and out the door to school and work I get to go to a job that I love. I love my job, because I love working with people and helping them figure things out. I have been described in different ways:  fixer, glue that keeps things together and boots on the ground. These are titles I am honored to have.  Then I retrace my steps back home for our evening routine of dinner, homework, relaxing with my granddaughter and pets.

Q: If you could have a meal with three famous people (dead or alive), who would they be and why?

A: 1) My Dad: I miss him so much and our daily conversations!  2) Princess Diana: She was such a sweet person, good mother and had a great heart and cared for others. 3) Pat Conroy: The author of The Prince of Tides.  Every time I watch this movie it makes me cry.  I am in awe of this kind of talent that can have someone feel so much emotion.

Q: Favorite song/band?

A: I have one song that amazes me is The Sound of Silence, that two bands sing (and are so different) – Disturbed and Pentatonix.

Q: What is your proudest moment?

A: I was a non-traditional student and did not attend college until later in life.  Receiving my diploma was such a personal proud moment for me!  I felt validated after all the hard work it took between school, family and working a full-time job.  As I walked across the stage and looked out into the audience I saw my family,  I do not know who was most proud of my accomplishment - my family or me!