Looking for Help Developing Your Biosketch?

Tips and tricks, FAQ's and sample biosketches

The biosketch provides an opportunity for each senior/key person listed in an NIH grant application to describe why they are well-suited for their role(s) in the project. Among other things, it allows the senior/key person to:

  • Include a personal statement that describes why they are well-suited to their role(s) in the project.
  • Cite up to four publications or research products, including interim research products such as preprints, that highlight their experience and qualifications for the project.
  • Explain factors that might have affected past productivity, such as family care responsibilities, illness, military service, etc.
  • Describe up to five of their most significant contributions to science. Students and postdocs with fewer notable contributions may wish to consider highlighting just the two or three contributions they consider most significant.

If you have never written a biosketch for an NIH grant application, carefully read the instructions about what to include. Note that there are separate instructions for fellowship  and non-fellowship  biosketches.

Find FAQs, sample biosketches, and more on the NIH's webpage for Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions and Samples.